Thomas Weber-Wegst, lic. phil. II, Zoologist, Zollikerberg/ZH
- President since 2025
- Board of Trustees since 1975
- Chief Executive since 1996
Etienne Gross, Historian, Hinterkappelen/BE,
- Member of the Board of Trustees since 1987
- President till 2003
- former Editor in Chief of the monthly SAC magazine Die Alpen
- former OC President of the Sport Climbing and Bouldering Competitions Switzerland
Martin Funk, Prof. Dr. Glaciologist ETH Zurich, Zürich/ZH
- Board of Trustees since 2010
- former lecturer at the ETH Zurich
- Alpinist, Mountain Guide
Hansrudolf Keusen, Dr. phil., Geologist, Rapperswil/BE,
- Board of Trustees since 2000
- Permafrost specialist
- Alpinist, member of the Academic Alpine Club, Bern since 1999
Max Maisch, Prof. Dr. phil. Geographer, Gockhausen/ZH,
- Board of Trustees since 2017
- former lecturer at the University of Zurich, glaciology and geomorphology
- former lecturer at the Zurich University of Education